
we like to talk about, but never carry out.

Another bit of deception often found in TV married life relates to envy and jealousy. The husband constantly surrounded by feminine garments, jewelry, perfume, feminine attitudes, etc....cannot help but experience with varying intensity involun- tary flashes of envy or jealousy. Envy towards the GG who can be so feminine without even trying, in contrast with what he knows are (in many cases) pitiful attempts on his part to be that smooth at being feminine. He may be envious of her looks, her body, her hair, her freedom to wear beautiful clothes, her voice, her whole being. And he may also exper- ience a feeling akin to jealousy..."how come she can wear those things, and walk like that, and talk like that, and express her inner emotions the way she does, and I cannot do so except on extremely rare occassions." Both these feelings are usually hidden from the wife. Somehow the TV does not think it would be practical to let his wife be aware of these reactions. And he is probably right in not sharing this with her. SO, we do have here another element of non-togetherness (with rare exceptions) in most TV marriages.

As we see


in the best of cases, a TV marriage contains basic shortcomings. These shortcomings be- come more serious as the degree of wifely understand- ing and tolerance lessens all the way down the list to the "F" type wife.

By contrast, the happiest TV's I've known are not married.

Does all of this mean that I am against marriage for TV's? The answer is yes. Of course those who are already married and have a family are forced to make whatever adjustments their situation warrants. But to those who are not married and are contemplat- ing marriage, I would say: don't. The pirfalls are rwice as many as those faced by the non-TV. Of course